Thank you to our 2023-2024 Season individual donors!

Stratford Legacy

The Max Baumgardner Charitable Trust, in support of the Bekki Jo Schneider Intern Company

Stratford Royalty

Thomas Gerstle

Scott and JoAnn Haner

Charlie and Jenny Marsh

Don Stevens and Libby Marbury

Vivian Ruth Sawyer

Mac and Jessica Thompson – White Clay

Stratford Nobility


Phillip and Teri Allen

Tim and Dair Mathistad

Rick and Becky Reed

Steve and Lynne Rodeheffer

Drs. Catherine Newton and Gordon Strauss

Margaret Tanguay, Gretchen Brown, and Heather Tanguay, in memory of Peter Tanguay

Kerry and Kat Wang

Stratford Society

The 1300 Association

Charles and Sheelah Anderson

Alan and Kathy Attaway

Richard and Karen Berglund

Turney P. Berry and Kendra D. Foster

Anya Bond-Beckley

Sara Smith Bowman

Laura and Michael Bryant

Randall Caldwell

Elizabeth A. Cherry

Brad Comer

Kevin and Mera Cossey Corlett

Ian and Emilee Crawford

Glenn Crothers and Tracy K’Meyer

Robert Dean, ZFX, Inc.

Sarah DeGeorge

David and Lucille Fannin

Jeff & Karen Filcik

Lea H. Fischbach

Jonese Franklin and Laura Ellis

McKenzie Gary

John Spalding Gatton

Stephen C. Gault

Alan and Joan Gould

Alexis Rich and Allen Harris

Shannon Harris and Joe Hufnagle

The Holwerda Family

Tabitha Hernandez

LaShondra Hood

The Jarboe Family

Gary and Maureen Kingry

Stephen Kubiatowski and Rebecca Seidel

Paula O. Lockhart

Alan and Joyce MacDonald

Kay Madrick

Charley Nold

Thomas and Beth Ording

Andy Perry and John Sistarenik

Petruska Family

Carol Pye

Javan Reed

Craig Schmitt

Ruth Simons

Jodi Smiley

Kenney and Cathy Snell

Lincoln and Laura Snyder

Robert and Silvana Steen

Jerry and Joanne Wallace

Brooke Zimmerman

Jessica and Ziggy Zubric



Laura Beasley

Belgravia Court Association

Stephen and Sharon Berger

Barbara Berman

Edith S. Bingham

Cecile Blau

Cornelia Bonnie

Meredith Brown

Jonathan and Rebecca Cohen

Scott and Coleen Costar

Dennis Coyne

Larry and Chris Church

Clarice A. Denoux

Carl Friesen

Frost Brown Todd LLC

Mark Gibbs

Sally-Ann Greenfield and Bruce Smith

Greg and Kim Greenwood

Cheryl Peterson Guess

Brenda and Jonathan Henry

Clare Hirn and David Henry

Katherine Dittmeier Holm

Thaddeus Hoover

Thomas and Patrice Huckaby

Breck and Rhonda Jones

Jim and Jeanette Kays

Benjamin King

South Fourth Street Association

Todd Lowe and Frances Ratterman

Phil and Susan Lynch

Mapother Family Memorial Fund – Katherine, Amy, and William Mapother

Jules M. Marquart

Colette and Chris Mattingly

Sharon Mattingly

Cathy and David Mekus

Dan Minton

David Moore and Katrina Anderson

Robert C. & Penelope P. Person

Sally Phennicie

Austin Readhoff

Karen and John Rippy

Ben and Cathy Robertson

Second Street Neighborhood Association

Kathleen Shiner

Sean Sinnott

Betty L. Smith

Jonathan Smith

Melody and Bruce Sterling

Christina Stottmann

Terry and Sue Strange

Benjamin Vaughan

Jim and Marianne Welch

Rory Whitaker

Skip White

Nick Wilkerson

Louise and Richard Wolford

Stephen and Coretta Wolford


Anonymous (5)

Dr. Garrett and Lane Adams

Emma Aprile and Andrew Rosenthal

Phillip Ardery Jr., in memory of Joe Ardery

Jim and Beverly Bartlett Turner

Dr. and Mrs. A.T. Blanford

Todd Blankenship

Mark Blessinger

Bill Bolte

Mattie and Bob Brown

John and Kati Brundage

Russell Byrd

Meghan and Ari Caplan

Robert and Carol Carnighan

David R. Clark

Kelly Clark

Andrea Clifford

Terrence Cody

Brian and Allysan Comstock

Jeff and Marjorie Conner

Agnes Cox

Jim Crosetti and Mary Conner

Roger and Kathryn Cude

Irwin and Carol Cutler

Judith Danovitch and Nick Noles

Vincent and Kathleen Decker

Ann and David Derrick

Mike and Heather DiEnno

Angela and Doug Dowell

Naslund-Mann Graduate School of Writing, Spalding University

Angela and Richard Dworin

John David Dyche and Laura Harbolt

Katie Edwards

Casey and Amy Eisenback

Kristin Ems

Fifth Wheel Women’s Club

Deborah R. Feger

Mary Forsee

Leslie and Gregg Fowler

Mildred Franks

Heather French

Mr. Greg Fischer and Dr. Alexandra Gerassimides

Larry and Ricky Gettleman

Dr. Greg and Keiren Gillum

Jeffrey Goldberg

Linda and Stuart Goldberg

Robbin and Steve Goodin

Lynn and Bob Graham

Ann C. Hall and Geoffrey C. Nelson

John Hamilton

Susan Hamilton

Lynn Hampton

Patricia and Chris Haragan

Dr. Tom Harper

Paula Harshaw

Carol Hartlage

Gary & Sharon Hinkle

Shirley Howard

Tom James

Kerstin Jeffus

Alan and Sally Junkins

Kim and Ken Kern

Cynthia Kirkland

Georgette Kleier Hottois

Cynthia Knopp

Philip and Marilyn Kohl

Mathew and Carrielee Koole

Mary Korfhage

R. Gwyn Lavin

Eve Bohakel Lee

Julie Leskiv

Angela and Ron Long

Hal and Elizabeth McCoy, in memory of Joe Ardery

James and Lauren McDonald

Robert and Grace McKeel

Karrie and Darren McKinnon

Rev. and Mrs. Timothy Mohon

Laura Morton

Alfred and Lark Mull

Dave Murk

Jennifer Niemeyer

Jeff Noble

Andrew and Ashley Noland

Chip Nold and Cindy Read

Tory Parker

Jennifer Payton

Patrick Peak

Jan Pedowitz

Sarah Yost and Brian Phillips

George Ramser

Mitch and Cindee Rapp

Matthew Rasnake

Gil Reyes and Sean Donaldson

The Robertson Family, in honor of Matt, Amy and the entire staff of KY Shakes

Jeanne-Marie and Todd Rogers

Brian and Denise Ross

Denis and Cathy Roux

The Ryley family

Kate Sanders and Paul Whiteley

Richard Sands

David Shaw and Michelle Seiffertt

Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Shain

Paula Sharpenstein

Erin Sigmund

Maureen Slaton

Diane and Walter Snowa

Jimmy Soto and Lisa Schmid

Sara Stalkus

Rosalie Surtees

Phillip and Esther Tamplin

Barbie Tatman, in memory of Erica Wallace from Forever Friends

Beth Boesche-Taylor and David Taylor

David and Kim Taylor

Wayne and Brenda Tuckson

Finn Turner

Betsy Vick

Susan and David Vislisel

Beth and Don Wagner

Ross Walton

Rob and Michelle Ward

Sam Weissrock

Edyth Wheeler

Mary Jo and Mike Whelan

Jim and Claire Williams

Karen Sue Wilson

Elaine Orr Wise

Nancy & Tom Woodcock

Grace Wooding

Marc and Ann Zakem

Herb Zimmerman

Benjamin Zinninger


Anonymous (8)

Dr. and Ms. Thomas A. Aberli

Jen Adam

Heather Winters Alford

Ann T Allen

Ron and Svea Allgeier

Pat and Bill Allison

Mark Amick and Allie Kerns

Heather Anderson

Tara Anderson

Aztec Flooring

Pamela and Timothy Baete

Howard and Kathy Bain, in honor of Colin Brandt

Angela Barger

Nancy D. Beasley

Janice Beatty

Alice Wright Belknap

Rita Bell

Miranda Darlene Bencomo

Sue and Kim Bentley-Jonason

Rebecca Beyerle

Laurie and Barret Birnsteel, in memory of Joe Ardery

Julie Boatright and Todd Turner

James Boland

Whitney and Hank Boles

Jack and Brenda Brammer

Brandeis School of Law, in memory of Joe Ardery

Kristy Calman

Zac and Kasey Campbell-Hoogendyk

Tim and Cindy Carlson

Larry Cashen

Judith Champion

Lynn E Chapple

Gilbert D. Cheatham

David and Candy Cherry, in honor of Walter R. Mack, Jr. (WWII) and N.W. Mack (Vietnam)

Robert Ching

Beth Chottiner

Clarice Connelly

Jill Cooper

Myra Craig

Critt Cunningham

Jennie Currin

Anthony Curtis

Robert Darst

Jerad L. Davidson

The Davis Family, in memory of Joe Ardery

Father Patrick Dolan

Constance Dorval-Bernal

Jon A. Doukas

Lynne Dowling

Donna Downs

Melissa and Ken Draut

Kathleen and Terry Driskell

Bev and Woody Edwards

Larry and Angie Edwards, in honor of Ramona Johnson

Uwe and Kathy Eickmann

Amy Elam-Krizan

Sam and Jill Ellington

Jane Emke

Jacob and Susan Ems

Chris and Amy Eyers

Elizabeth Fairhead

Elizabeth Fehler

Sherry M. & Joseph W. Feldpausch

Tom Fenton and Karen Haswell

Jon Huffman, in memory of Barbara F. Cullen

The Fireels, Rachel Firkins and Alicia Fireel

Terese Fister

Bill and Georgia Flarsheim

Mary Ford

Amy Fouts

Carroll Fox

David Fox and Susan Bornstein

Carolyn Frazier

Ashley Freeman

Cheryl Froula

Carmen Fullenlove

Teresa Fultz

Nancy Gall-Clayton

Teresa Gamble

Gordon Garner

Tony and Laura Garrett

Pooneh Ghiassi

Tina and Lee Gibson

Mr. and Mrs. Giesel, in memory of Joe Ardery

Allen and Brenda Gilbert

Tisha Gilbert

Jeffrey Glazer and Karen Abrams

Dr. and Mrs. Richard Goldwin

Kate Grindon

Atticus Haden

Barbara and Ed Haines

Lynn Ellen Haner, in honor of JoAnn Haner

Joseph and Shannon Hamilton

John Hanson

Leslie Norton Harbold

Charlotte Harmon

Tiffanye Hawes

Lori Haycraft

Linda and Bill Hayes

Randy and Frances Hays

Tommy Heavrin

Stanley and Peggy Henderson

Jane Hermes

Matthew Hersey

Dawn and Dennis Hershberger

William and Sharon Higgins

Rita Hight

Amy and Dan Hill

Cathy Hinko

Will Hollis

Kyle Hoylman

Linda Hudson

Mark Huffine

Lisa Jackson

Dan Johnson & Tom Elkas

Fred and Laura Johnson, in memory of Sergeant Freeman Gardner

Hugh Jones

Jean and Martin Jones

Erin Keane and Drew Zipp

Elizabeth Kelly

Scott and Ashley Huke-Ketterer

Martha Kinman

Jen Kirkwood

Todd Kleber

The Knapp Family, in memory of Joe Ardery

Ray and Yvonne Knight

Michael and Jeanne Kovatch

Ericka Kreutz

Anna Kunzler and Bruce Scott

Jacob and Brittany Lanter

Jeff and Susan Layman

Paul and Geraldine Lenzi

Kathy and Stanley Levinson

Abby Long and Kelly Wilkinson

Hallie Lyninger

Ashley Mahan

Ellis W. Manning

Donna and Andy Mattingly

Kathleen and Mark Mattingly

Danny and Anita Maupin

Tamara Mazzoccoli

Jim McCabe

Dave McCay

Amy McClain

The Linus and Cossett McClendon Foundation

Erin McCorkle

Kelley McIntyre and David Dillard

Jim and Beth McKenzie

Richard and Tanya McKnight

Creighton E. Mershon, Jr.

Roberta Meyer and David Young

Mary Ann Miller

Robert H. Miller

Mind’s Eye Theatre Company, in honor of our 10th season

Robert Mitchell

Diana Mitchen

Aaron Montgomery, in honor of Stephen Montgomery

Pam Moore

Carla Motes

Jennifer Murphy

Pat and Adele Murphy

William Nalley

R.L. and C.R. Neumayer

Lan and Dustin Nguyen-Colgate

Agnes and Patrick Noonan

Kirby and Maureen O’Bannon

Corey O’Brien

Marie and Jon O’Neil

Sarah Pennington

Bethany M. Planton

Allan and Nancy Pollock

Meg and Louie Prestigiacomo

Ann Price and John Davis, in memory of Joe Ardery

Lenae Price

Janet Quirey

Ann Ramser

Mark and Leigh Ray

Nancy Renick and Barry Kornstein

Cary Rice

Corey Richter

Cynthia and Ronald Rigby

Devina Robles

Marilyn Rodman

Michael Rohner

Thomas Roma

James Rose

Virgil Rosell

Ed Rosenberg

Zaxton Rothberg

Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Rounsavall III

Diane Rowley

Rhiannon Ryan

Sales for Water

Sant Family, in honor of Barb Cullen

Curt and Beth Schuman

Amanda Seaton

Christon and Brian Segal

Gordon and Carolyn Seiffertt

William Sewell

Michael Shell

Ivan Shepperd

Robb and Anna Shrader

Griffin David Siebert

Mary Jo and Gray Smith

Melanie Smith

Stephen Ramsey Spanyer

Isaac Spradlin

Vashti Standridge

JC States

Bob and Mary Ann Stenger

Kathryn Stewart, in honor of Dani Stewart

Duncan, Colleen, and Mike Strauss

Mo Stucker

Monalisa Tailor

Rama Tamimi

Elizabeth Tichenor

Beverly and Alfred Tilmes

Lawrence Toebbe

Mary Alice and Chris Tolbert

Jonathan Turner and Sarah Weir

John and Shirley Uhl

Debra Walker

Bill and Alice Walsh

Satchel Walton

Jeremy and Amy Wells

William Wells

Charles Whaley

Erin White

Jessie Whitish

Bronwyn Williams and Mary Brydon-Miller

Shawn and Kevin Williams

Deidre, Nick, and Phoebe Winslow

Nicholas and Mary Wiss

Shelah Woodruff

Fawn Wujick

Robin Yacovetta

Tammy Young

Barbara Zimmerman, in honor of Brooke Sharp


Anonymous (6)

Bernard and Sara Abner

Ann Adams

April Adams

Jill Adams

Lowry Adams

Sheila Addison

Zlatko Ajanovic

Jesse AlFord and Starr Peters

James Allen

Kyle Allen

Richard and Connie Allen

Eric Allgeier

Hagit Alon

Carlyn & Bill Altman

Bridgette Alvarez

Mary Ellen Ambrozaitis

Jerry and Jackie Amend

Joseph Ammerman

Daniel Anderson

Ian Anderson

Maya Angal

Aimen Ansari

Lachlan Apple

Denita Arnold

Emily Ashburn

Sheila and Adam Ashley

Albert Aszman

Michel Atlas

Bryan Aviles

LJ Ayers

Emily Bailey

Noah Baker

Marquita Ball

Kate Ballowe

David Bannister Jr.

Kate & Stephanie Barnett

Aimee Barr

Kate Barry

Susan Barry, on behalf of Moira Donnelly

Ryland Barton

Garrett Bates

Theresa Batliner

Allison Baumann

Heidi Bayerlein

Beacon MD

James Beatty

Tyler Beavin

Kamiel Beckley

Julie Beliles

John Bellone

Whitney Bennett

Taylor Berry

Kate Biagi-Rickert

Barbara Bibb

Lejla Bilanovic

Galina Birko

Alexandra Biscardi

Wes Blake

Aramie Bloom

Jenny Bodenbender

Victoria Boggs

Mary Bolander

Joel Bolinger

Patricia Bomba

Melinda Borie

Lillianne Bowers

Desiree Boyd

Jason Boyd

Nolan Boyd

Connor Branham

Nathaniel Brantley

Brian Breen

Ann Brian

Bobby Brimmer

Alex and Dana Brown

Ashlyn Brown

Dana Brown

Kevin Brown

Leslie Brown

Mikel Brown

Olivia Brown

Wendy Brown

Jackson Browning

Janine Browning

Thayne Bruszewski

Sara Bryant

Grey and Brian Buchanan

Patricia Buck

Erin Bukowski

Camille Burgard

Megan Burnett

Emily Burns

Sarah Louise and Dan Callaway

Heather Cameron

Camp FurKids

Dwayne Campbell

Tanice Campbell

Tiffany Cardwell

Maggie Carnes

Raymond Carpenter

Shelli Carpenter

Carol Carrico

Railey Carter

Alexandria Casey

Amy Caswell

Linda Cauble

Jessica Caudill

Sasha Caufield

Ashly Cecil

Trinity Cephus

Edgar Cerda Espinosa

Marin Chadwick

Brigid Chamberlain

Karen Chandler

Amy Chapman

Kendra Chapman

Susan Chapman

Akhilah Cherry

Ashley Chesman

Amanda Chin

Melissa Chipman

Vaibhav Chitkara

Jean and Jesper Christensen

Erin Christine

Kyle Citrynell

Sallie Clark

Susan Clark

Lewis Clements

Karen Cobb

Tara Cocco

Bruce Cohen

Dara Cohen

Lynette Cole

Lee Collins

Natasha Collins

Nicholas Conder

Betty Conklin

Matthew Conrad

Dan Conway

Lori Cook

Axel Cooper

Dave Cooper

Debra Copeland

Jared Cordray

Madolyne Cosby

Stephanie Cosman

Rachel Cottmann

Rebekah Joy Cotton

Ginerva Courtade

Annette Cowart

Casey Cox

Karen Cox

Killian Coyne

Nathaniel Crenshaw

Christina Crosetti

Amy Crosser

James Crowley

Kimberly Crum

Dalton Cullman

Stephanie Cutler

Helen Daigle

Kerri Daly

Esther Dansby-McClain

Kari Dante

Carol Darnell

Deborah Davidson

Frederic Davis, in memory of Joe Ardery

Marjorie Davis

Roman Davis

Mallory Davison

Susan H. Dawson

Diana Dearing

JoAnna Dejean

Andy Dennis, dedicated to Charley Nold

Kristin Dennis

Kate Derrick

Justin Deweese

Joy Beth DeWitt

Kathleen Dick

Lauren Dickey

Elena DiFante

Kimberly Ding

Nancy Doctor

Monica Dodson

Timothy Dodson

Benjamin J. and Lauren Drake

Lorna Dries

Michael J. Drury & Lane Stumler

Laura Lea Duckworth

Laurie Duesing

Leonard Dunman

Beth Dunn

Caleb and Brittany Dunning

Sabrina Dyer

Marci Early

Gentry Easley

Kendall Ebley

Andrew Eckert

Mark Edelen

Michelle Elisburg

Frances Englander

Hannah Ertel

Susan Essing-Spiller

Hank Evans

Daniela Fairbanks

Rob Felts

Alise Fenwick

Courtney Ferreira

Kathryn Fink

James Finklea

Ginny First

Amanda Fisher

Phyllis Fitzgerald

Liz Flatt

Anita and Marvin Fleischman

Emily Fleitz

Kevin Fletcher

Dusty Folwarczny

Connie Fondong

Jennifer Ford

Rex Fotznor

Gary Fox

Amber Fox-Young

Clay Foye

Mark Franco

Eliza Frazier

Billie Free

Martin French

Elizabeth Frey

Abi Frields

Braden Fullington

Linda A. Gaines

Liza Galler

Jenifer Gamble

Cynthia Ganote

Jeremy Garcia

Tara Gardner Perry

Olivia, Robert, and Jacqueline Garlt

Randy Garrett

Brianna Gates


Katie Gaughan

Robbie Gay

Ingrid Gentry

Stephanie and Patricia George

Carey Georgelis

Brian Gerdon

Carolyn Gettler Miracle

Kat Gillespie

Lucas Glasnovic

Jamie Glover

Shira Goldberg

Shoshanna Goldfine

Jan Gonder

Jennifer Gordon

Valerie Gordon

Thomas Gorman

Tiffany Gossett

Garret Gott

Linda Graff

Chris and Tina Graney

John Graney

Fay Greckel

Stephanie Green

Laura Greenberg

Meg Gregory

Candra Grether

Ron Griffith

Tom Griffiths

Cheri Grinnell

Carroll D. Grossman

Debbie Guest

John Guest

John Guthrie, in honor of @gjmaupin and @broccoliserbaby

Bennett Haara

Laura Haara

Bryan Habas

Sheldon Haden

Jason Hall

Laura Hall

Melissa Hall

Stephanie and Tim Hall

Nancy Hancock

Nhut Hanh Dao

Bill and Nancy Hanna

Colin Hanna

Christina Hansen

Paul Harahan, Jr.

Megan Hardin

Celeste Harding

Avery Hardy

Laura Hardy

Jena Hargrove

Mike and Sarah Harlan

Marcia Harlow

Paige Harlow

Frederic and Mary Ellen Harned

Sandy Harned

Michael and Regina Harris

April Hartford

Wes Hartgrove

Chris Hartman

Grace Hartman

Catherine Hartzell

Andrea Haskett

Violet Hatchell

Marty Hayse

Cara Hefty

Katye Heim

Tari Hendrickson

Mary Henry

Laura Herberholz

Tabitha Hernandez

Daniel Herring, in honor of Amy Attaway

Patricia Hersey

Debra Hickey

Anthony Hicks

Hannah Marie Hicks

Jessica Hildebrand

Andrew Hill

Gaye Hill

Sarah Hill

Hannah Hines

Elizabeth Hobson

Rosanne Hoffmann

The Holland Family

Tricia Holland

Nicole Hollander

Ashley Homrich

Merry Anne Hood

Deanna L. Hopper

Sharon Hordes

Rose House

Nicole Howley

Rachel Hrdina

Nancy Hubbard

Ruth Hufnagle

Carolyn Humphrey

Ca Huntington

Brian Huot

Sarah Jac

Elaine Jack

Erin Jackel

David Jackman

Joy Jacobs-Lawson

Jessica James

Cate Jarboe

Linda Jarzynka

LaBravia Jenkins

Ben Jensen

Emma Jewett

Brenda Johnson, In honor of my talented and wonderful daughter Holly Stone

Emma Johnson

Jake Johnson

Jessica Johnson

Madeline Johnson

Joann Jolgren

Kavonte Jones

Margaret Jones

Richard Jones

Virginia Jones

Carolyn Jordan

Brigid Kaelin and David Caldwell

Michelle Kaelin-Berry

Harry Kahne

James Kalb

Kenny Karem

Karen Karp

Marilyn Keith

  1. Malcolm Kelly

Tim Kelty

Francesca Kemper

Rosellyn Kidd

Anne Kille

Isaiah Kim-Martinez

Jamie Kinsley

Vince Kirchner

Kathryn Kirk

Rebecca Kirtland

Roger Kissling

Eric Kitchens

Keith Kleehammer

Trishena Kliewer

Teresa Klinkner

Sara Kmack

Karen Knight-Wilburn

Jeff Knott

Joshua Koerber

Cassie Koevoets

Carole Kolb

Hazal Korkut

Patrick Koshewa

Katheryn Kramer

Faina Kronenberg

Robert Kuhn

Andrew Kulinski

Dwight Kyle and Cindy Silletto

Becca Lambert

Katie Lambert

Kerrie and Duncan Lamfers

Richard Lamont

Amy and Matt Landon

Brett Landow

Brigitte Landry

Matthew Lane

Peter Scott Lansing

Patrick Lasseter

Tiffany LaVoie

Emily Lazar

Carolyn Leach

Cindy Lepore

Kara Lewis

Alice Li

Sharon and Jay Lillie

Susan Lim

Justin Linde

Eric Lindquist

Joseph Link

Rabbi Laura Metzger and Cantor David Lipp

Kim and Carl Litchfield

Lauren Lloyd

Teri Lloyd and Bill Gilliss

Zane Lockhart

Kerry Logan

Michelle Y. Lori

Kayley Lott

Deborah Loveall

Patrick Lyles

David MacDonald

Judi Magder

Robert Magrath

Anamaria Mahon

Tracy Malone

Alyssa Manning

Richard Marheine

Michelle Marin

Steve Marks

Sarah Marlowe

Michael Marple

Charles Martin

Chase Martin

Leilani Martin

Roy Martin

Shelby Martin

Meg Matheny

Melissa Mather

Annette Mattingly

Logan Mattingly

Gerald E. Maurice

Grace McAdams

Joyce McCaffery

John McClendon

Brett McCorkle

Grace McDougall

David McDowell

Pamela and Kenneth McFarland

Keith McGill

Carol and Will McGinnis

Sean McGlone

Anastasia McKettrick

Brian McLean

Michael McLean

Alison McLeish

Susan McLoughlin

Pamela McManus-Cummins

Katelyn McNamara

Rachel Meadors

Wendy Medley

Tina Mefford

Theresa and Robert Melhorn

Matthew Meredith

Chris Merritt

Amanda Mertz

Chris Mescia

Beth Metelko

Jeffrey and Janna Meyer

Jim Meyers

Wesley Milam

Brandon Miller

Danielle Miller

Mark Miller

Megan Miller

Kenny Mills

Penny Mills

Carmen Miralda

Katie Molck

Elizabeth Monarch

Matthew Mooser

Dana Moran

Anna Morris

Ashley Morris

Yvette Morris

Jill Morzillo

Diriki Mose

Chloe Muller

Izzie Murk

Anne Murner

Luis Muro

Colleen Murphy

Joyce Murphy

Adrian Murray

Tammy Murray

Nina Musgrave

Annie Myers

Marty Myers

Debra Mykkanen

Sarah Myldy

Julia Naiditch

Ann Nail

Scott Nalley and Keri Reeder

Jacob Nance

Story Napier

William C. Nash

Judy Naylor

Haley Neiman

Brian Neudorff

Mark and Robyn Newstadt

Kayla Nichols

Fabien Niedermeier

Dawn Nikolai

Hannah Nitzken

Adina Nolan

Hilary Noltemeyer

Seth Noorzad

Samuel Nwosu

Deanna O’Daniel

Barbara and Rick O’Daniel-Munger

Kathleen O’Hearn-O’Bryan

Tara O’Shan

Aoibhinn O’Shea

Frances M. Oakley

Tiffany Ogunsanya

Abigail Old

Carl Ollmann

Brenda Orlov

Pauline Ottaviano

Linda and Bruce Otto, in honor of 50 years of attendance

Noah Park

Don Parker

Marcia Parlier

Melissa Parocai

Jerome and Melissa Pascua

Lyndsey Pate

Dillion Patrick

Janet Patterson

Katherine Patterson

Sarah Beth Patterson

Richard Paxton

Karen Payne

Michael Payne

Anne Pearson

Amy Pedigo

Olivia Pedolsky

Alicia M. Pedreira

Patricia Peet

Jeffrey Pellman

Tracy Percival

Jacob Percy

Stuart Perelmuter and Elizabeth Sawyer

Anne Perryman

Rachael Petrie

Tammy Pettit

Josh Pfister

Jacob Phelps

Emanuel Philpott

Steven Pierce

Samantha Pillersdorf

Christopher Pinkerton

Michael Piscatello

Cristy Plank

Stacy Plotts

Cory Pohlman

Maria Polivanovskaia

Jennifer Pollard

Alyce Pollitt

Karen Pollock

Patrick Possel

Sarah Pride

Spencer and Mary Probst

Evan Prohosky

Erin Pryor

Gregory Pugh

Jora Pugliese

Julie Purswell

Robert Quinlan

Amanda Quinn

David Quist

Susan Radeker

Devin Rairdon

Ramapriya Rangaraju

Timothy Raque

Tiffany Ratliff

Robin Raypole, in memory of Richard Schrader

Elisabeth Read

Alison Recca-Ryan

Cal Reed

Jana Reed

Chad Reischl

Victoria Sherman Reznikoff

Aaron Richardson

Brittney Ridge

Chris Riehl

Greta Riffle

Gary Riggs

The Rightmyer Family

Olivia Rios

Lauren Rittman

Jyl Robbins

Barbara Roberts

Kira Roberts

Andrew Robertson

Blair Robertson

Ursula Robertson-Moore

Annette Robinson

Rebecca Robison

Gabriel Rock

Peggy and Mark Rockstroh

Michelle Roller

The Romig Family

Judson Rose

Marty Rosen

Elliott Rosengarten

Marcy Rosengarten

Meg Ross

Sherry Ross

Maggie Roth

Michael Roth

Kristin Routt

Matthew Ruben

Andrea Rudibaugh

Shannon Ruhl

Denita Rust

Emily Rust

Eileen Ryan

Danny Ryback

Susan Saint-Lockhart and Jerry Lockhart

Philip Samuel

Susan Sanchez

Vernon Sandell

Hazel Sanders

Jason Sauer

Kathie Sauer

Carol Savkovich

Robin Schalda

John D Schall

Patty Schmoll

Anna Schneider

Lisa Schoenbachler

Christie Schuessler

Allen Schuler

Lynzie Schulte

Donna Schuster

Andrew and Valerie Schwartz

John Schweizer II

James Scott

Lisa Willner

Elizabeth Sedoris

Gabrielle See

Amelia Sekula

Greg and Robyn Sekula

Amy Semones

Tyler Shabo

Stephanie Shaikun

Angela Shalenko

Corey Shapiro

Cierra Sharp

Kim Sharp

Rebecca H. Sharp

Kristy Shenk

Miriam Shir

Kate Shirts

Erica Shuler

Faith Helen Cherry Siebert

Michael Siefring

Eric Siegelstein

Scott Siemen

Lynn Silk

Melinda Simpson

Murph Simpson

Heather Sims

Mark and Patricia Sinkhorn

Zach Sisson

Sarah Skilling

Amy Smalley

Jonathan and Jennifer Smillie

Brenda Smith

Brian Smith

Darion Smith

Jessi Smith

Kevin Smith

Michael Smith

Shari Smith

Dan Moyers and Sarah Smith

Giles Smyser

Lindsay Snow

Laura Shine Snyder

David Song

Annie and Sam Sorsa

Sabrina Spalding

Zach Spalding

Danielle Spalenka

Mary Margaret Sparks

Savannah Speed

victoria spencer

Austin Spinella

Terry and Jane Spitznagel

Kimberly Springmier

Aaron Squires

Kitty St Vincent

Ryan St.Vincent

Andrew Stairs

Stephanie Stamper

Courtnee Standish

Vicki Stanley

Jen Starr

Brian Stearman

Elaine Steele

Jeffrey Sterling

David Stewart

Wendy Stidham

Sammy Stills

Michelle Stillwagon

Michael Stith

Anna Stone

Jennifer Stone

Sarah Stone

Beverly Strange

Victoria Strange, in honor of Karina Strange

Daniel Sturtevant

Elwood and Roxanne Sturtevant

Elaine Styles

Michelle Sumrall

Emily Swatzyna

Maya Sylvia

Courtney Szabo

Courtney Szabo

Stephen Szwarc

Mary H. Tabler. in memory of Joe Ardery

Jud Tabor

Vivian Tarn

Jerimy Tate

Leslie Tate

Aaron Taylor

Tim and Ruth Taylor

Abigail Terry

Patty Terry

Shawn Terry

Cindy Thomas

Jessamy Thomison

Kyle and Mary Thompson

Mari Lynn Thompson

Zack Thompson

Jeremy Thornewill

Rob and Georgia Thorton

John Timm

Mary Jean Timmel

Debbie and Tom Tinker

James and Maria Tinnell

Emily Tiwana

Angie Tobias

Hanae Togami

Lacey Lianne Trautwein

Shannon Travis

Liz Trotter

Bethany and Gary Turner

Brent Turner

Eli Turner

Kevin Uhls

Keli Ulferts

Hannah Uribe

Laura Valentine

Miranda Valleroy

Kirby van Lierop

Zack Van Zant

Kate Vance

Lance Vaneps

Carrie Vennefron

Margaret Vinsel

Carrie Vittitoe

Judith Vittitow

Meagan Voight

Laurel Von Ragan

Dina Vuturo

Bronwen Waddell

Kinsey Waddell

Scott and Christine Wade

Dwayne Wagner

Michelle Walden

Brian Walker

Jesse Walker, Bananafish Tattoo Parlour

John Walker

Kennethe Walker

Nancy Lynne Walters

Jan Walther

Katheryne Waters

Jennifer Watkins

James Weis

Melissa Weissinger

Cynthia Welch

Lora Welch

Nicholas Welker

Kimberly Werst

Avery West

Kevin West

Hannah Wetzler

Don Whitaker

Kathryn Whitaker Shirley

Cameron White

Leigh White

Melissa White

Robyn White

Becky Whitehead

Macie Whittington

Steven Whoberry

Lisa and Claire Wice

Michael Widerschein

Kelly Wilkinson

Amber Williams

Marvin Williams

Thomas P Williams

Teresa Willis. in honor of All my friends at Ky Shakespeare – thanks for the great art!

Grace Wilson

Joshua Winick

Nicholas W. Wise

Dennis Wiseman

Joe Wiseman

Aaron Wolff

Kathryn Wong Rutledge

Jessica Wortham

Kevin Wood

Richard and Rebecca Wood

Steve Worland, in memory of Tex Wells

Noelle Worm

Amy Wright

Hillary Wright-Kaufman

Micah Wright

Rich Wrightington

Juniper Yadon

Ray Yeager

Jeff Yocom

Shannon Yodzevicis

Charles Young

Megan Young

Samuel Young

Judith and John Youngblood

Chadwick Zaring

Richard Zellars

Rosalie Zhao

David and Mary Beth Zickel

Brooke Zimmerman

Hannah Zimmerman and Benjamin Self. in honor of Kyle and Megan Ware

Stephen Zink

Julie Zoeller

About the Stratford Society

Long-time Kentucky Shakespeare board member, Gordon Strauss, founded the Stratford Society in 2007, naming it after Stratford-Upon-Avon – the market town and civil parish in South Warwickshire, England, where William Shakespeare was born. The Stratford Society is open to supporters who donate a gift of at least $1,564, in honor of the year Shakespeare was born. Stratford Society members serve as key community ambassadors for Kentucky Shakespeare. As a member, you will enjoy exclusive rehearsal previews, premieres, receptions, special events plus opportunities for exclusive theatre and theatre-themed travel.

You may join contacting Producing Artistic Director Matt Wallace, donating online, or calling us at 502.574.9900.